Come ask your questions, deepen your relationship with God, and discover His call in your life.
If you’ve already been baptized Catholic or in another Christian denomination, but have not received First Communion or Confirmation, we have a program for you too to complete your sacraments! Your journey will look a bit different since you already have some faith foundations in place, but that is exactly why we set up a unique plan for each person. We are excited to prepare you to receive more sacramental grace!
That’s wonderful! We love welcoming new members into our faith. You probably have a million questions — about the process of becoming Catholic, about what it means to be Catholic, and about God and faith too.
For now, we just want to answer one thing — God loves you. He loves you deeply, truly, and wholly. Before you even considered Catholicism. And He’s been drawing you deeper into relationship with Him your whole life.
So this process is not about checking off some boxes or technicalities. It’s about falling deeper in love with the Creator of the universe who already loves you so much, and how to live and love Him in return.

There is no commitment until you receive your sacraments. What that means is you can show up to a meeting and ask your questions without fear of pressure.
Our job is not to convert you. Our job is to be a place to where you can get real answers to life’s big questions, get to understand how to hear God’s voice in your life, and prepare you to be open to His call. Yes, we teach you about Catholicism and God — but more importantly, we teach you how to have a relationship with Him.
In the Catholic Church, the process of converting to Catholicism is called OCIA, or Order of Christian Initiation for Adults. We know, it’s a long acronym. The main thing you need to know is that it is a journey, and one that is unique to each person.
The first question we always get is “How long does it take to become Catholic?” And the answer is not super satisfying — it depends. But it depends because we work with each person as an individual, helping them to ask questions, go deeper, and discern God’s call in their life. And you can’t rush that or put a timeline on it!
While there isn’t a specific timeline, here’s the general process you can expect:

Attend a Meeting

Learn About the Faith

Become Catholic
A sacrament is a outward sign that signifies an inner, spiritual reality. For the purposes of becoming Catholic, reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation are how you are formally received into the Catholic Church and convert to our faith.
This is the #1 question we get! The answer is that it depends. There is a set flow and process, but not a set schedule. That’s because each person’s journey to the Church is so unique, there’s no one-size-fits-all schedule. We will work with you one on one and help you to know when you’re “ready.”
Becoming Catholic anywhere is a wonderful and life-giving journey! At St. Peter’s, you’ll find a dynamic, active Catholic community who is striving to live out the Gospel in everyday life. OCIA is just the beginning — after you’ve received your sacraments, there are numerous opportunities to continue to grow in and learn more about your faith through our Adult Faith Formation offerings like Bible studies and events, retreats, and more. Plus, our welcoming, friendly community will feel like family in no time as we journey together in Christ!
Answering questions is our favorite thing. Come meet with us and bring them!
We know it can be hard to take that leap from thinking about it to actually doing something about it. So we make the first step super easy: Just reach out saying you’re interested in learning more. We’ll meet with you to share the process and hear a bit more about your faith journey, and we’ll let God take the lead from there.