Welcome to St. Peter’s! Whether you’re new to the area, rediscovering your faith, or just passing through, we cannot wait to meet you and draw closer to Jesus together!
Ready to join SPC? Fill out the form to register as a parishioner!
Prefer to register in person? Stop by the parish office Monday-Thursday 9 am – 3 pm or Friday 9 am – 1 pm, or ask one of our ushers for a registration form after Mass on the weekend!
Registration is just the beginning. After you register, expect a phone call from one of our welcome ministry volunteers! They’ll act as your point of contact as you get involved — connecting you with resources, getting answers to your questions, and encouraging you to join a relevant group or ministry to grow your faith and community.
Plus, twice a year we hold a new parishioners breakfast to help you get to know other parishioners — the yummy pancakes alone are worth registering!

Even if you’ve been attending St. Peter’s for a while, we encourage you to make it official by registering in the parish! Not only will you get important updates about our church community, you’ll also need to be registered if you or a family member wish to receive a sacrament, attend Faith Formation, or get asked to be a sponsor. Plus, you get to officially be part of the SPC family!
First time visiting us here at St. Peter’s? Welcome! We pray that your visit draws you closer to Christ and inspires you to share the love you find here with others.
The church is located at 2700 E 4th St. Greenville, NC 27858, with parking access there as well as at 401 Beech St. (where our parish office is located).
We have a big campus, so let us direct you! Where are you headed? ⬇
All Masses and sacraments take place in our church. You can access the church from the parking lot by walking under the portico next to the Mary statue.
Been a while since you’ve been to Mass (or never been before)? Welcome! We’re thrilled you’re planning to attend Mass at St. Peter’s. Check out our “Back to Mass” guide if you want a refresher before attending.
The Adoration Chapel is located just off the Atrium of the church. You can access it through the main doors of the church from 7:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday – Friday, or by utilizing the Adoration Entrance near the front of the church from 6:00 am – 8:00 pm each day.
Most of our events and group meetings take place in the Parish Life Center. You can access the Parish Life Center from the church or the main parking lot, directly under the “2700” overhang.
The parish office is located in the brick house at 401 Beech St.
Our religious goods store is located PLACE and is open Thursdays from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, Saturdays after the 5:00 pm Mass, and Sundays from 10:00-11:00 am and 12:00-12:30 pm.
Go Wildcats! St. Peter’s School is located across the street at 2606 E 5th St, Greenville, NC 27858.
Take a video walkthrough of our church!
Come visit us! The church address is 2700 E 4th St. Greenville, NC 27858. (You can also access parking from 401 Beech St., which is where our parish office is located.)
We have so many beautiful places to pray and encounter God on our church campus — inside and out! Check out our Places to Pray guide for some of our favorite spots to come away and rest awhile with Jesus.
Welcome home! Discovering Christ’s love for you is an incredible experience. But the process can sometimes be a bit daunting — there’s so much to learn! At St. Peter’s, we believe that you will never stop learning more about Christ, and our job is to help answer your questions and learn what loving Him looks like in “real life.”
We answer a few of the most common questions below, but it’s even better to ask your questions in person!
Start here…but then come ask us in person too!
Yes. 100%, unconditionally yes. Even if you have a past. Even if you are only just finding out about Him today. Even if you never thought you’d even consider becoming Christian.
Not only did He love you so much that He died to save you — He also loved you so much that He created you simply to love you.
Prayer is simply a conversation with God, so just talk to Him! You don’t have to be in a specific place or say a specific thing. Tell Him how you’re doing, what you’re struggling with, thank Him for blessings in your life. As you begin to do it more, you will begin to recognize the sound of His voice in reply through your thoughts, imagination, advice from others, even nature.
If you’re struggling to get started, start with the prayer that Jesus taught – the Our Father!
There is a LOT of misinformation out there about what Catholics do and don’t believe. We can’t get into all of Catholic teachings here, but a great book to read to learn what the Church actually teaches and why is the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It’s a long book, but worth it (here’s a podcast version that’s wonderful!).
But here are some key Catholic beliefs:
- Jesus is fully human and fully divine and freely offered His life for our salvation, rose from the dead, and will come again at the end of the world.
- We receive salvation by grace (as a gift), and we are called to share the Good News of Jesus with others directly and by the way we live our lives. The goal is sainthood — being in heaven with God at the end of our lives!
- God is love and mercy, and we receive that mercy and forgiveness through confession.
- Caring for the poor, marginalized, and in need is one of the greatest ways that we can love as Jesus taught us.
- Jesus is still present with us today through the Eucharist (the Body and Blood of Jesus). We continue to learn from Him through the Bible and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
- We uphold the dignity of all human life, from moment of conception to natural death.
Still have questions about Catholic teaching? Keep asking and searching (and feel free to ask us!). The questioning is an essential part of our journey in relationship with Christ.
The Mass is the highest form of worship and the way we encounter God the most deeply as Catholics. It is an opportunity for us to participate in the events that took place during Jesus’ Last Supper, death, and resurrection; hear God’s word and how it applies to our life today; and receive Jesus through the Eucharist so that we can then bring Him into the world.
We have a full explanation of the Mass that you can read here for more information, but if you’re curious, just come and join us to see for yourself!
Absolutely. You’ll be in good company! The reality is that every single one of us has sinned and is need of God’s mercy. You are not too far gone. We have all fallen short of loving God and others the way He asked. The good news is that through Jesus, we have the opportunity to receive eternal life of peace and joy, as long as we accept God’s mercy and try again (and again, and again). Our church is full of people who still struggle to follow God, but continue to do our best and encourage and love one another in community.
The best person to ask your questions though? Jesus. Though you can talk to Him anywhere, come encounter Jesus in a new way at St. Peter’s! Pray in our church or Adoration chapel, or enjoy some time at our outdoors Stations of the Cross.
There’s only so much we can cover on one page of a website. The truth is that learning about Jesus and getting to know Him takes a lifetime.
But we don’t want to just leave you there! If you’re interested in becoming Catholic, we highly encourage you to reach out to our OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation) group. Many of our volunteers have also converted to Catholicism and would love to share their experience with you and help you discern God’s next step for your life and relationship with Him.
And yes, they love questions!
(Already made all your sacraments but want to learn more about your faith? Check out our Adult Faith Formation offerings!)