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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235


We’re so excited to welcome a new child of God into His family — and our family too!


If you’re ready to schedule a baptism, please fill out the Baptism Inquiry Form below or contact the parish office by calling 252-757-3259.


What a joyous occasion to welcome another child of God into His family! During the Sacrament of Baptism, we are set free from Original Sin, welcomed into God’s family and the Catholic Church, and receive an abundance of graces to live the Christian life.

Celebrating baptisms is one of our favorite things to do! At St. Peter’s, baptisms take place either during a weekend Mass or privately outside of Mass.

To get started, fill out the form below and our deacon, Deacon Art, will walk you through the whole process!


It’s never too late to join God’s family! For teens or adults interested in becoming Catholic and being baptized, we have a special program called OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) to walk with you on your conversion journey. Learn more about OCIA here.


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Baptism Inquiry Form
To get started, please fill out the inquiry form below, and Deacon Art will reach out to walk you through the process!
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Baptism Prep Class
Held every other month, our baptism prep classes won't just prepare you for the day of the baptism — we'll also get you set to raise your child in the faith for their whole life!
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Baptism Day
On the day of your child's baptism, you will agree to baptismal vows on their behalf and then the priest or deacon will baptize them with water as a sign of the spiritual cleansing of their soul.


As soon as possible after birth! The graces from the Sacrament are so helpful throughout life, and the freedom from Original Sin is a true rebirth into Christ’s family, being claimed as a child of God.

(Already been longer than that, maybe many years? It’s never too late to join God’s family. Learn more about our OCIA program here.)

You are welcome to reach out to us to begin the process while you are pregnant! We will need a copy of the baby’s birth certificate prior to the baptism date.

You may select two godparents, one male and one female. Godparents must be:

– At least 16 years old

– Have completed the Sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation

– Be living a life in communion with the Catholic Church, and if married, married in the Catholic Church

– Not the father or mother of the child

Only one godparent is required. Non-Catholic Christians may be a Christian witness, but one godparent must meet all of the requirements above. Non-practicing Catholics cannot be a godparent or Christian witness.

If you do not know anyone who meets these requirements, please do not worry! Just let Deacon Art know and he can connect you with parishioners who would be thrilled to be your child’s godparents.

If the person meets the requirements above, then yes!

Becoming a godparent is an incredible honor, and we know that there can often be family tension around this subject. You may want to honor someone in your family with this role who is not a practicing Catholic. That is why we highly recommend that you review the requirements for godparents BEFORE selecting people for this role, as non-practicing Catholics cannot be godparents. That is because the main role of a godparent is to be a good role model in the faith for your child, and they need to be living a Catholic life as best they can in order to so well! 

These requirements are set forth by the Catholic Church around the world, not just St. Peter’s, because the Church believes so strongly in the importance of raising children in the faith well.

Godparents have a special role not only in the spiritual life of your child, but also in yours! At your child’s baptism, they agree to help you in raising your children in the faith. That is why it is so important they are practicing Catholics who can be a spiritual role model to your child.

It is important to note that godparents are NOT the legal guardians of your children, unless you name them as such in your will.

Congratulations! If you meet the requirements above and have been a registered parishioner of St. Peter’s for at least six months, please contact Deacon Art, and he will get you scheduled for a baptism prep class.


Please fill out this form and Deacon Art will be in contact with you soon!

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Child's Name
Mother's Name
Father's Name


Baptism is not only a big step in the life of your child; it’s also a major milestone for you in your role as a parent as well. That’s why we take the opportunity at St. Peter’s to prepare YOU as parents too!

As you embark on the journey of parenthood, please know that St. Peter’s is here for you as a resource and “the village” ready to help you raise your child in the faith. We encourage you to bring your little ones to Mass and get involved in the life of our parish, especially our Pray and Play group for moms and babies!