Please know of our prayers in your time of grief. We are ready to walk with you and your family as you plan your loved one’s funeral.
Most of the local funeral homes will coordinate with us to plan a funeral, so please speak to your funeral director about scheduling. If you would like to speak with us directly, please call the Parish Office at 252-757-3259.
While not a sacrament, funerals are an important part of committing a soul to God at the end of their life. More than just a remembrance or celebration of life, a Catholic funeral is a time to commend a soul to God’s mercy, with special prayers asking for the soul to be received into heaven. We celebrate Christ’s victory of death, to know that death is not the end, and we ask God’s comfort for those who are mourning.
Please know that we are praying for you in your grief and are here to walk with you, not just in planning the funeral, but in all of the spiritual questions that come up at times like this.

If your loved one has not yet passed, they can receive the Anointing of the Sick, a sacrament of healing that provides strength and courage for those ill or suffering.